Vanesa Martínez

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Vanessa Martinez conceives make up as an art: “ it´s about an expression tool, to create an image with the author´s personal seal, influenced by the current trend”.

Interested since a very young age for the world of beauty, she introduced definitively in the make up professional world in 2000 after her Journalism and Languajes studys. She learnt all about professional make up and hair styling in BCN, the city where she was born.

Multilingualism open her the doors to work at important international and national publicity campaigns  such as for Adidas, JBL, Heineken, Seat or Martini.

She worked with CUSTO BCN in her first fashion catwalk in Bread&Butter Barcelona. She is a regular collaborator at the Adlib Fashion Catwalk in Ibiza and in 2010 edition she worked together with Junior Cedeño, DIOR´s international make up artist.

Valemusic or Ministry of Sound, among others, have count on her for several videoclips.



Makeup artists / hair stylists

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