Ferran Bex

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Ferran Bex was born in Palma de Mallorca in 1986. He studied broadcasting at the Universitat de Vic where he made his first amateur short film "Reality?" (2005) issued by Neox at the program "Vu87." Then, he performs a Script Master for Cinema and Television at the Universidad Pontifícia de Salamanca and a workshop to create fiction at the Taller de Guionistas (Barcelona) where he wrote two bibles of TV series for the company Rodar y Rodar. Back to Mallorca in 2011, Ferran began working as a writer for the TV series "L’anell" by Nova televisió for IB3. He also wrote the TV serie "Sombras de mi Tierra", winner of the promotion of INCAA- USAM (Argentina), "Migjorn" and "Hotel Bellavista" by CEF for IB3. Ferran Bex direct some short theater texts like "Zetter i Exa" and wrote and directed "Interruptus" and "Frases Mítiques" after that he co-wrtite and direct the theater "Galáctica" in Madrid. He also completed his first professional short film "Monstruos" (2013) winner on the IX Certamen de Creación Adiovisual De Las Rozas (Madrid) and awarded on the IV Certamen de Orés de miedo (Zaragoza, 2014).


Directors, Prod. assistants, Screenwriters

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