Graduate in Business Administration and Management and Audiovisual Communication. "I see documentary photography and cinema as the essential tool for telling stories." After a period of correspondence for ACN (Catalan News Agency), he continues his career in documentary films in Algeria, where he develops part of a project for AECID (Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development) and CERAI (Center D ' Rural Agriculture Studies International). Self-produce various adventure travel documentaries in the Alps, Atlas and Pyrenees. Ib · 3 TV Broadcasting Technician (Television of the Balearic Islands) until 2012. Currently, it is a "freelance" in communication and audiovisual. DIRECCIÓ I CÀMERA - CAMINS, EL VIATGE DE LES PERSONES REFUGIADES: - LA GRAN TRAVESSA (ENCARA NO ESTÀ DISPONIBLE SENCER A LA XARXA, FASE DISTRIBUCIÓ. IB3 EN TÉ ELS DRETS) trailer: COM A TÈCNIC DE SO - ARDARA : COM A TÈCNIC D’IL·LUMINACIÓ (ELÈCRITC) - A L’OMBRA DE LA MUNTANYA :
Directors, TV-producers
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