Bàrbara Bibiloni

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My work field is historical costumes and 'Hoja de Níspero' the mark through I design and tailor different clothing lines. I've been working with recognized designers like Ngila Dickson and Bob Buck or Simon Brindle and James Rogers' team. Also I was the costume reponsible in films like "Voto a Bríos". ·2016· Costume assistant in "Asura". Director, Zhan Peng; costume designer, Ngila Dickson. Beijing ·2016· Costume designer in "Voto a Bríos". Director, Daniel Alba. Bilbao ·2015· Participation in reenactment events like "Rose d'Or". Avignon ·2014· Costume helper in "Tres monjes rebeldes". Director, Aleix Forcada. Madrid


Makeup artists / hair stylists

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