Andrés López

Directors of photography Live-camera operators Unit prod. managers Screenwriters Still photographers

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Andrés López Mengual, producer and cinematographic director. Graduated in communication and teaching at the School of Interpretation of the Balearic Islands ESADIB and member of the Association of Cinemas of the Balearic Islands, ACIB.

He has developed his professional work as set designer and lighting director, designed the staging of numerous musical groups, nationally and internationally. He has produced and produced television programs, documentaries, short films, video clips and advertising spots.

With its own equipment, it offers professional production, realization, direction of actors, direction of photography, fixed photo, illumination for cinema, tv and shows, professional sound, filming and postproduction work in digital cinema for commercials, video clips, campaigns, presentations , Making of.



AMÉN, TOUR, Documentary feature film. Director, Producer

ART JOVE, tv series

SMOKING BRAIN, Short fiction. Producer and photography director

SHADOWS, Short fiction. Director and Producer

THE ANONYMOUS CARONTE, Short documentary. Nominated for the Goya Awards, Producer

THE GREATEST SHOW OF THE WORLD, Short documentary. Director, Producer

THE BEAUTY OF IMPERFECTION, Short documentary. Director and Producer

HONG KONG, POV, Documentary. Director and producer

ESSER, Short documentary. Director, Producer

DIES DE LLUM, Documentary feature film. Director, Producer




Directors of photography, Live-camera operators, Unit prod. managers, Screenwriters, Still photographers

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